Two Sets of Eyes – Looking Out for Your Business

QuickBooks Tips

Two sets of eyes are better than one. This is a saying that is relevant both in our day-to-day tasks and for regional, national, or international companies that need to manage their financial recordkeeping data. Bookkeeping has become, in recent years, a crucial component for the long-term success of modern organizations. Yet, there is a problem. Bookkeeping is time-consuming, complex, and can lead to mistakes. Is your company active in a competitive sector, and are you concerned about managing your transactional data? Then, you will need to use the services of financial recordkeeping professionals. Why choose us? Three words: Specialization, expertise, and experience.


We are different from other bookkeeping companies active in the Texas market because we implement a dual bookkeeping approach, where your financial data will be monitored by both a staff bookkeeper and an account manager. This has practical and economic benefits. The staff bookkeeper will handle the day-to-day financial recordkeeping tasks that would normally fall on the shoulders of your internal employees and assist your CPA with the documentation required for their work tasks. The staff bookkeeper will support your senior staff, administer your accounts payables and receivables, manage QuickBooks, and create basic financial reports that can be used to assess the growth of your company.

The senior account manager, on the other hand, will provide a higher level of expertise in your organization and handle the bookkeeping tasks that exceed the competence of the junior financial recordkeeper. The account manager will collaborate with your CPA, implement a financial development strategy alongside it, offer QuickBooks training to your staff, and help minimize tax liabilities while keeping your venture in line with financial regulations. Dual bookkeeping is efficient and it’s necessary to streamline your venture’s internal operations.

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You can contact us anytime if you have questions or encounter a problem with your bookkeeping program.

What About the Long-Term Financial Benefits?

A double-check bookkeeping system represents the best framework for detecting errors in your venture’s financial data before they snowball into costly and unpredictable financial issues. Moreover, the work of the senior and junior bookkeepers will be divided, leading to significant financial savings. 21% of SME owners declare that they lack the necessary financial recordkeeping knowledge to handle the management of their venture’s economic data. However, bookkeeping is not complicated; it is time-consuming.

Most of the financial record management tasks necessary for the continuation of your business activity can be implemented by a junior bookkeeper. But the caveat is that these tasks will represent the bulk of your venture’s necessary bookkeeping operations. By working with two recordkeepers, the junior bookkeeper will handle the day-to-day financial management operations, while the account manager will be on guard for complex tasks that require their expertise. Are you interested in achieving peace of mind bookkeeping? To mitigate the risk of your venture’s financial activities? If so, you will need two sets of eyes.

By managing your account’s payables and receivables, the junior bookkeeper will improve your cash flow and reduce the need to outsource accounting tasks to other external agencies. Meanwhile, the account manager could analyze, together with your CPA, the financial reports presented by your junior bookkeeper, optimize your capital structure, discover potential avenues for tax savings, and reconcile your accounts with those of collaborating banks via QuickBooks. Accounting errors can have a significant impact on your venture’s stability and profitability. However, by leveraging the services of two specialists, you could achieve peace of mind bookkeeping, make your business more relevant to target demographics, and transform the profitability margins of your venture.